
For over 30 years, Rian has worked to ensure that the United States and Massachusetts are welcoming to people from around the world by promoting comprehensive immigration reform, protecting human rights, and advocating for immigrant protections and opportunities. Working alongside Mass Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), Irish Pastoral Center, members of the Massachusetts Immigrant Collaborative and others, Rian influences a range of federal, state and municipal policies. In 2021 we met with legislators and submitted testimony on several issues including the driver’s license bill and Safe Communities Act. 

Safe Communities Act and Driver’s License Bill

As a member of the Safe Communities Coalition, Rian strongly advocates for the passage of the Safe Communities Act (SCA). The SCA would protect the civil rights, safety and well-being of all residents of Massachusetts by drawing a clear line between immigration enforcement and public safety and community law enforcement. 

Work and Family Mobility Act

The Work & Family Mobility Act: The Work and Family Mobility Act would enable all qualified state residents to apply for a Massachusetts driver’s license, regardless of immigration status. For up to 250,000 undocumented immigrants in our communities, not having a license can create enormous hardships as well as safety concerns when driving is unavoidable. Rian is advocating for passage of this bill as a member of the Driving Families Forward Coalition. 

How you can help

Small actions make a big difference. Show your support for positive immigration reform. Become educated about the issues, attend rallies, sign petitions, and spread awareness. Contact your state representative to communicate your support for critical legislation.

Most importantly, vote for officials who have pledged to support positive immigration reform. Your vote counts. To learn more about becoming a US citizen – and a registered voter – please attend one of our free clinics. Learn more here.

To learn more, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter.


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